Three years later, the National Portrait Gallery reopens

Located in the West Wing is the Contemporary Collection

At the National Portrait Gallery's reopening celebration following a £41 million facelift, the Princess of Wales mingled with Sir Paul McCartney and Tracey Emin.

The 45 hand-drawn female portraits that have been cast in bronze for the central London gallery's new doors were created by Emin.

On June 28, the gallery will host a display of Sir Paul's personal images from the years 1963 and 1964.

Later this week, the gallery will welcome visitors.

"When I got here, I was nervous," Emin said.

"I completely forgot about the doors because I had so many other things on my mind.

Because it was such a big surprise, I gasped when I first stood up, which gave me more energy. ".

The princess and Sir Paul were discussing his upcoming exhibition when they met.

As she left the gallery, Kate waved to the throngs of people waiting there.

The princess was "fantastic" and "really passionate," according to Nicholas Cullinan, director of the gallery.

"Having a senior member of the Royal Family who truly cares about culture, museums, and art, as well as someone who is knowledgeable and supportive, is such a great thing for this country," he continued. ".

The National Portrait Gallery was first established in 1856, and 40 years later it moved to its current location off Trafalgar sq\.. In its Primary Collection, it has over 11,000 portraits of famous and significant British figures throughout history.

The Princess of Wales meets with Tracey Emin ahead of the opening

Before the opening, the Princess of Wales had a meeting with Tracey Emin.

The new doors designed by Tracey Emin

The 45 female portraits on the doors were created by Emin.

Kate Middleton meets with Paul McCartney and his wife Nancy

Kate Middleton discussed the upcoming exhibition with Paul McCartney and his wife Nancy Shevell after a tour.

The Tudor Gallery, featuring Mady Margaret Beaufort by Meynnart Wewyck loaned by St John's College, Cambridge

The Tudor Gallery, which has a Meynart Wewyck painting of Lady Margaret Beaufort that was lent by St. John's College in Cambridge.

A look into the Romantics display through to Queen Victoria by Sir George Hayter

Sir George Hayter takes a look at the Romantics' influence up until the reign of Queen Victoria.

The Art, Science and Society display

The exhibition of society, science, and art.

The National Lottery Heritage Fund Gallery

The gallery after renovation by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

The Blavatnik Wing

Blavatnik Wing.

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