Expanded discharge lounges to free up NHS beds

an inpatient bed

In Essex and Suffolk, upgrades to discharge lounges are being funded in an effort to free up hospital beds.

Government funding totaling £1,075,000 has been given to the counties to help shorten wait times for urgent and emergency care.

Patients who are scheduled for discharge but are awaiting their medications or a ride will remain in the areas.

According to Lord Markham, the minister of health, "we are investing record funding in health and care services.".

With a donation of £135,000, Colchester Hospital upgraded its lounge to include five beds.

A £300,000 upgrade to the lounge will be made at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, Essex.

A larger discharge lounge with room for 15 patients was built at Ipswich Hospital with the help of £640,000 from a former medical photography area.

In order to "help free up hospital beds and reduce waiting times for patients," the government declared in January that it would be spending £50 million on 42 projects nationwide.

The new lounges would feature 439 extra beds, 364 extra chairs, and 44 extra trolleys, according to the statement.

Six new ambulance hubs are also being built nationwide with the money.

According to Lord Markham, minister of health: "Waiting times have already significantly decreased from the peak of winter pressures. However, we know there is more to be done, and we are investing record funding in health and care services to reduce waiting times and improve patient care.

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