Nine years after a stroke, a hand control implant is provided

Heather partakes in steak

According to US researchers, immediately electrically stimulating the spinal cord can help stroke victims regain some control over their arm and hands.

Pittsburgher Heather Rendulic cut and consumed a steak on her own for the first time in nine years.

She referred to the technology as "absolutely amazing.".

Since only two people have had the spinal implants tested, the University of Pittsburgh team claims that more research is necessary to determine who might benefit.

Brain cells die as a result of strokes, which disrupt the brain's blood flow. Those who do survive frequently develop long-term health issues as a result.

People can still want to move and have the intention to do so, but because the brain's signals are so weak, nothing happens.

A cavernous angioma, a group of abnormal blood vessels in the brain, was identified in Heather when she was in her early 20s. It bled repeatedly and caused a sizable stroke. She awoke one morning unable to move her left side of her body.

In the nine years that followed, Heather regained her ability to walk, but she never regained control of her left arm or hand, which she says is "something I struggle with every day.". Even the most straightforward tasks, like putting on shoes, became difficult. .

Heather's goal prior to the procedure was "to be able to cut a piece of steak," as she was dependent on her husband to do so.

Heather before operation
In order to stimulate Heather's nerves, a surgical implant was placed.

To be able to stimulate certain areas of her spinal cord, Heather had electrodes implanted in her neck.

Electricity is used by the nervous system to communicate, but following Heather's stroke, the brain's electrical signals were too weak to trigger the nerves that controlled her arm and hand movements.

The nerves are stimulated and eager to respond, and now even those weak signals are sufficient to cause movement.

Heather was able to open and close her hand for the first time in nine years on the first day it worked.

According to Dr. Marco Capogrosso of the University of Pittsburgh, "Nobody was expecting it would work that fast.".

"She started crying, the family members were present, and they started crying, and then all of us started crying, so it was a very, very emotional moment. ".

My arm and hand were being moved by Heather "in ways I haven't for almost a decade.".

Her steak was delivered.

Heather cutting steak
Heather lifting soup

The specifics, which were printed in the magazine Nature Medicine, demonstrated that the device operated in Heather and one other volunteer. The experiment, however, was only intended to last for one month; following that, the electrodes were taken out and the therapeutic stimulation was lost.

However, the results, according to the researchers, offer a glimpse into the future, when implants may significantly alter people's lives.

"Our patients recover, but they don't completely return to normal," said Dr. Marco Capogrosso.

Even though it's likely they won't be able to play the piano, they can regain a lot of independence and quality of life simply because they can now use their arm and hand. ".

Since they are utilizing methods that have already received approval for the treatment of severe pain, the team is optimistic about the field's future.

To determine who benefits and how to transfer the technology from the laboratory to the home, however, more clinical trials are necessary for the time being.

The Stroke Association's Dr. Rubina Ahmed stated: "The research is still in its early stages, and surgical implants may not be appropriate for everyone. A wider range of people could use the non-invasive stimulation techniques that are also being tested. " .

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