After the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, the baby's aunt and uncle were reunited with him

a pink baby girl

The only member of her immediate family to survive a major earthquake was a baby born in Syria under the debris of a collapsed building. Her aunt and uncle have adopted the child.

When the infant was saved, she was still attached to her mother by the umbilical cord, and thousands of people had offered to adopt her.

Following the confirmation that her aunt was a blood relative by a DNA test, she was released from the hospital.

She was healthy, according to the doctors.

Her married uncle Khalil al-Sawadi told the Associated Press, "She is one of my children now. She and my kids will be treated equally in my eyes. ".

Her late mother Afraa is now the inspiration for the child's name. Officials gave her the name Aya, which is Arabic for "miracle," not long after she was saved.

After the tremor, a video of her rescue quickly became popular on social media.

Dramatic video showed a man carrying a woman covered in dust away from the wreckage while sprinting away from it. Doctors said she arrived at the hospital in poor condition, with bruises and cuts all over her body, after reportedly spending more than 10 hours under the collapsed building.

Man holding two babies
Three days after the earthquake, Afraa's (right) aunt and uncle also had a baby girl (left) of their own.

A 7point-8 magnitude earthquake that struck Jindayris, an opposition-held town in the Idlib province close to the Turkish border, reportedly destroyed about 50 buildings, including the one where her family resided.

A relative claimed that her mother gave birth to her before passing away shortly after the catastrophe. Other victims included her father, four siblings, and an aunt.

"This girl means so much to us because there is only this baby left of her family," Mr. Sawadi told Reuters. For me, her aunt, and all of our family members in the village where her mother and father were from, she will always be a memory. ".

As offers to adopt Afraa poured in during her two weeks in the hospital, Mr. Sawadi, who was present when she was rescued, told the Associated Press he had been concerned someone might kidnap her. .

Despite how difficult their circumstances were, the family who took her in claimed that Afraa belonged with them. Their house was also destroyed by the earthquake, so Mr. Sawadi and his wife Hala are staying with cousins.

Hala gave birth to a baby girl three days after the earthquake, and they both welcomed her.

Baby girl in pink
Rescuers in north-western Syria had earlier in February pulled Baby Afraa from the ruins of a building.

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