Country profile for Brazil

Brazil's map

The most significant nation in South America, rising economic power, and largest democracy in the world is Brazil.

The gap between the rich and the poor has widened over the past few years despite significant progress being made in this direction.

Since the Amazon rainforest plays a crucial role in regulating the climate, its exploitation has been a major source of concern on a global scale. A large portion of the Amazon rainforest is in Brazil.

Brazil, a former Portuguese colony, is home to an extremely diverse population, including native Americans, African slave descendants, and descendants of European settlers.

  • with capital letters. Brasilia.
  • Area:.  8,515,767 sq km.
  • Population:. 217 points two million.
  • Language:.   Portuguese.
  • the length of life. 72 years for men and 79 years for women.

Luiz is in charge. Antonio L. The ula da Silva.

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

After a fiercely contested election, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, better known by his stage name Lula, took the oath of office in January 2023. In addition to serving as president between 2003 and 2010, the seasoned left-wing politician known as Lula also defeated the divisive incumbent right-wing Jair Bolsonaro in the poll conducted in October.

In his inaugural address, Lula vowed to rebuild a nation that was in "terrible ruins.". He promised to "rebuild the nation and make a Brazil of all, for all" shortly after taking office, saying he wanted to give the Brazilian people a sense of hope.

After stepping down from the presidency for more than ten years and serving time in jail after being found guilty of corruption, Lula returned. The convictions were then overturned in 2021.

Additionally, he pledged to immediately repeal the contentious gun laws put in place by his predecessor. According to him, those who committed mistakes would bear the consequences of their actions rather than being driven by "a spirit of revenge" in his government.

Actors rehearse on the set of Brazilian TV Globo's soap opera andquot;Joia Rara" (Precious Jewel) in Jacarepagua, Rio de Janeiro on 19 November 2013.
Telenovelas, or Brazilian dramas and soap operas, are broadcast all over the world.

South America's largest media market is dominated by television.

Large corporations like Globo are the dominant players in broadcasting and the press, and media ownership is extremely concentrated.

There is ferocious political debate in the media, and the constitution guarantees a free press. However, according to freedom advocacy organizations, Brazil is one of the region's most dangerous nations for journalists.

Brazilians are among the world's most ardent social media users.

Brazilian slave traders inspect a group of Africans shipped into the country for sale.
Brazil's diverse ethnic and cultural mix was influenced by the millions of African slaves who arrived there.

some significant dates in Brazil's history:.

1500. - Portuguese settle the region and stake a claim to it for the Portuguese throne.

1822. - The Portuguese king's son declares Brazil's independence from Portugal and establishes himself as its emperor, Pedro I.

1888. – Slavery is outlawed. A federal republic is established in Brazil a year after the monarchy is overthrown; in the decades that follow, European owners of coffee plantations control the government.

1930 . - In a coup, the nationalist and anti-communist Getulio Vargas takes over; during his 15 years in power, he pursues state-led industrialization and advancements in social welfare.

1939-45. Brazil initially declares itself neutral in World War Two, but in 1943 it ally with the Allies. In Italy, a Brazilian expeditionary force engages in combat.

1945 . - A coup that overthrows Vargas restores democracy and ushers in the second Brazilian Republic.

1960. - Rio de Janeiro's capital is transferred to Brasilia, a newly constructed city.

1964 . - A coup destabilizes the left-leaning government of Joao Goulart and ushers in two decades of military rule, which suppresses free speech, tortures opponents, and also promotes economic growth.

1985 . - A return to civilian rule.

1988. Reduced presidential powers under the new constitution.

1989. - Fernando Collor de Mello wins the first direct presidential election since 1960.

1997. - The Constitution was modified to allow the president to run for re-election.

2002 . - Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, better known by his stage name Lula, wins the presidency, becoming Brazil's first left-wing leader in more than 40 years.

2016. Dilma Rousseff, Lula's ally and successor, is removed from office after being found guilty of financial irregularities during an impeachment trial.

2018 . - The Workers' Party of the center-left loses to far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro in the presidential race.

2022. - Lula takes back the presidency of Brazil. Florida is where Bolosnaro travels.

2023 . Numerous Bolsonaro supporters looted Brasilian government buildings in January. Many people criticize their behavior. The government promises to detain those in charge.

Members of indigenous groups in the state of Rio de Janeiro march in November 2015 against a planned constitutional amendment which would allow Congress to demarcate indigenous territory.
Native Brazilians today make up a small but expanding portion of the country's population.

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