Family caught in disaster after attending funeral in Turkey

Eylem, Busra, and Emine from left to right

A bereaved family that had traveled from the UK for a funeral ended up in the midst of a catastrophe after being caught up in the Turkey earthquake.

Following the passing of her father on Tuesday, January 30, Eylem Yildiz and three family members traveled from Swindon to Besni for the ceremony on Wednesday.

Busra Yildiz, the family's Cardiff-based daughter, stayed in the country to take care of her sisters.

A one-year-old cousin, Busra's mother, aunt, and uncle were scheduled to arrive last week.

They couldn't because of the weather.

The apartment building they were staying in was destroyed by two earthquakes that occurred on Monday.

Sam Thomas, Busra's boyfriend, stated: "They were all in mourning for their deceased grandfather when this occurred.

Saadet Onder, Eylem, three other members of Busra's Turkish family, and Eylem have not yet been located.

Her uncle Engin Onder-Nizan, her cousin Mete Onder-Nizan, and her aunt Emine Onder-Nizan, all of whom had traveled from the UK, have all been located.

Sam Thomas, Busra's boyfriend, called the incident "carnage.".

Nearing 24,000 people have died as a result of the catastrophe.

When a 7.8-magnitude earthquake near Gaziantep occurred and was followed by numerous aftershocks, the carnage began.

One was 7.5 magnitude, which was almost as big as the first.

Busra, who was born in Besni and raised in Swindon, Wiltshire, left for Turkey on Monday to assist.

Map showing the location of the two earthquakes in Turkey
On the official earthquake magnitude scale, the earthquake was rated as "major.".

Bridgend resident Mr. Thomas stated: "On Tuesday, there were indications of life; they believe they heard their grandmother because sounds were coming from the structure.

They managed to get in touch with the aunt on Wednesday. Then there was complete silence.

The 24-year-old claimed that cameras equipped with heat sensors had found signs of life.

People had to manually dig through the debris due to a lack of machinery.

"Complete carnage," he described the situation as.

Sam and Busra
Mr. Thomas, on the left, praised his girlfriend for being "so brave.".

It's just heartbreaking to know that they can hear people inside, according to web designer Mr. Thomas.

"This week, Busra witnessed his childhood friends and relatives being pulled out of the ground dead.

She's seen children who are dead. I am unable to fathom how she must be feeling.

The UK's Disasters Emergency Committee raised £32.9 million on its first day, with the UK government matching $5 million of that amount for Turkey and Syria.

Busra, 24, has been sleeping in a "fabricated pod," and according to her boyfriend, she is incredibly strong.

For being "so brave," he praised his girlfriend.

I'm hoping and praying that they're all still alive, said Mr. Thomas.

"I really need my family to leave that building.

"In my heart of hearts, I know they'll be found and everything will be fine.

They are all strong women who practice religion. I can't believe they have to go through this.

Brazil and Switzerland have requested that the UN Security Council convene the following week to talk about how to deal with the situation in Syria, which was also impacted.

Mr. Thomas acknowledged feeling "pretty horrendous," but added that he had the support of friends and family.

It feels like one big day, I've had the worst five days of my life," he said.

"They're not my blood relatives, and I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like if my mother were trapped in that building.


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