Kim Aris: Aung San Suu Kyi's son calls on the military to release her

Aris Kim

The military has been urged by Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of Myanmar who was overthrown, to release her from prison.

In an exclusive interview with BBC Burmese in London, Kim Aris said, "I can't let my mother languish in prison," and urged everyone to do more to assist her.

After her government was overthrown in a coup in 2021, Ms. Suu Kyi was given a 33-year sentence in a series of trials.

Tens of thousands of people have died in Myanmar's civil war since it erupted.

The army, according to Mr. Aris, a British national, has not provided him with any information regarding his mother or her state of health. He claims he has made attempts to get in touch with the British Foreign Office, the Burmese embassy, and the International Red Cross, but none of them have been able to assist.   .

Mr. Aris stated in his first-ever interview with international media, "Before this, I didn't want to speak to the media or get too involved.". Between 1989 and 2010, he had remained silent during his mother's nearly 15-year detention.

"It was best that I avoided politics. My mother was never going to want me to get involved. I believe I can say whatever I want now that she has been sentenced and it is obvious that the military are not being reasonable. " .

Ms. Suu Kyi, who received the Nobel Peace Prize, is one of the most well-known figures in global democracy. Her release in 2010 after nearly 15 years in custody was welcomed in Myanmar and all over the world. But after widespread allegations that Myanmar had massacred Muslim Rohingya while her government was in power, she came under fire for defending her nation at the UN International Court of Justice (ICJ) against charges of genocide. They now reside as refugees in the neighboring Bangladesh after nearly a million of them left Myanmar in recent years.

Instead of responding to the BBC's inquiries regarding the criticisms of his mother prior to the coup, Mr. Aris chose to concentrate on her current situation.

Ms. Suu Kyi, who had been placed under house arrest after the coup, was transferred last year to solitary confinement in a prison in the nation's capital, Nay Pyi Taw. In the past two years, almost no news of her has surfaced. Her illness was also rumored, but the military refuted the claims.

Aung San Suu Kyi and Kim Aris
Before she went back to Myanmar in 1988, Aung San Suu Kyi's family resided in Oxford.

Mr. Aris has additionally pleaded with the international community to end the crisis in Myanmar, where the death toll from the ongoing conflict is rising as the army crushes the opposition with lethal weapons and airstrikes.

He asserts that the international community must begin "doing something, including putting a proper arms embargo on the military, and even supporting those who are trying to fight the military.".

Myanmar continues to import weapons and the components needed to make them in spite of economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation.   .

They must also "start lobbying more strongly," he continues, for his mother's release. He also exhorted the world to give "appropriate aid for the people of Burma who are facing such difficult times. and no one is standing with them besides the Burmese people.".   .

Since 1988, when Ms. Suu Kyi, or "the Lady," as she is also known, returned to Myanmar from the UK to take care of her ailing mother, Mr. Aris and his brother have been largely estranged from their mother.

She was the pro-democracy movement's first female leader and the daughter of independence hero General Aung San. She was placed under house arrest in 1989 despite co-founding the National League for Democracy (NLD).

When she was unable to leave Myanmar in 1991 for fear of being unable to return, Mr. Aris, who was 14 at the time, accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on her behalf. Prior to his 1999 cancer death, she did not return to see her husband.

Aung San Suu Kyi and Taichito
In 2010, Mr. Aris gave his mother Taichito.

After her release from custody in 2010, Mr. Aris made his long-awaited visit. He bought her a puppy from a market in Yangon as a gift before he left.

"He was the only puppy in the cage of all the puppies who was actually awake. He was the one who ultimately traveled with me home, he says. And ever since, he has proven to be a very loyal friend to my mother. " .

After guiding the NLD to a resounding victory in the first free elections to be held in the nation in 25 years, Ms. Suu Kyi assumed the role of de facto president in 2015. She still enjoys enormous popularity among Burmese people despite her fall from grace.

Mr. Aris is optimistic that Taichito and Ms. Suu Kyi will soon be reunited because Taichito is still alive.

"The military can never prevail in a war. The only question is how much longer it continues, according to him. "The sooner they return control to my mother and the democratically elected government, the sooner their nation will begin to advance. ".

BBC Burmese journalists Sandar Win and Moe Myint are based in London.

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