Media guide for Brunei

One of Brunei's two national mosques is the Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque in Bandar Seri Begawan

Media in Brunei is neither diverse nor uncensored. When reporting on politics and religion, the private press either self-censors or is owned or controlled by the royal family.

Government-controlled Radio Television Brunei dominates the broadcast media.

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) claims that self-censorship is required of all journalists who work for the government-run media outlet and major newspapers.

The implementation of a strict interpretation of Islamic Sharia law, which forbids remarks deemed to be blasphemous or critical of the royal family, according to RSF, "makes already harsh legislation even harsher.".

By December 2021, there were 531,800 active internet users, or more than 100% of the state's population (

  • English-language daily Borneo Bulletin.
  • Malay-language Media Permata.
  • BruDirect is a news website in English.
  • News website in English called The Scoop.
  • Malay and English programming is broadcast by state-run Radio Television Brunei.
  • Malay, English, Mandarin Chinese, and Gurkhali are all broadcast by state-run Radio Television Brunei.
  • Kristal FM – private

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