Over 100 people are feared dead following an Italian migrant boat shipwreck

On February 26, 2023, a body is recovered by rescuers after a boat carrying migrants is thought to have capsized o...

In the choppy waters off southern Italy, there are fears that more than 100 people—including children—may have perished.

It is known that at least 62 migrants have perished.

The boat, which was reportedly carrying 200 people, broke apart on Sunday as it attempted to land close to Crotone.

On board were passengers from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Iran.

In the nearby Calabria region, bodies were found on the beach at a seaside resort. Twelve kids, including a baby, were among the victims.

The coast guard reported that 80 people had been discovered alive, "including some who managed to reach the shore after the sinking," indicating that many more are still missing.

It was assumed that many of those on board were from Pakistan.

Shehbaz Sharif, the country's prime minister, cited reports that over a dozen Pakistanis were among the deceased and referred to the information as "deeply concerning and worrisome.". His directive to Pakistani diplomats was to "ascertain facts as soon as possible.".

People are being helped locally by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

"We have cases of kids becoming orphans, like a 12-year-old Afghan boy who lost his entire family, a family of nine people, including four siblings, parents, and other close relatives," charity representative Sergio Di Dato said.

A shipwrecked boat that washed up on the coast of Calabria
It's believed that the boat sank after colliding with rocks in bad weather.

On Monday morning, Secretary General António Guterres addressed the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, urging nations to provide more assistance to migrants and refugees as well as safer travel routes and bolstered rescue efforts.

Numerous people searching for a better future for themselves and their children were killed in yet another horrific shipwreck in the Mediterranean just yesterday (Sunday). Human rights include those of migrants and refugees. Without exception, they must be respected, he said.

People would keep dying if criminal gangs controlled the routes for migration, he continued: "We need safe, orderly, legal routes for migrants and refugees. And as a humanitarian necessity and as a moral and legal requirement, we must take all reasonable steps to prevent the loss of life by offering search and rescue services and medical care. ".

One survivor was detained on suspicion of trafficking in migrants, according to customs police.

Giorgia Meloni, the prime minister of Italy, who was elected last year in part on a promise to stop the flow of immigrants into her country, expressed "deep sorrow" and attributed the deaths to traffickers.

She said in a statement that "it is inhumane to exchange the lives of men, women, and children for the price of the 'ticket' they paid in the false perspective of a safe journey.

The government is dedicated to stopping departures and the subsequent unfolding of these tragedies, and it will keep doing so. ".

Rescuers recover a body after a suspected migrant boat is wrecked and bodies believed to be of refugees were found in Cutro, the eastern coast of Italy's Calabria region, Italy, on 26 February 2023

In the last few days, a strict new law tightening the rules on rescues was passed by Ms. Meloni's right-wing government, which has vowed to prevent migrants from reaching Italy's shores.

According to reports, the ship, which had departed from Turkey a few days earlier, sank after colliding with rocks in choppy waters, setting off a massive search and rescue effort both on land and at sea.

On camera, pieces of the hull and timber from the wreckage that had been smashed into pieces were seen washing up on the beach.

Over 20,000 people have perished or gone missing at sea in the central Mediterranean since 2014, claim monitoring organizations.

A map of the Mediterranean showing the location of Crotone on the Calabrian coast of Italy where the migrant boat was shipwrecked.

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