Overview of Abkhazia

Abkhazian map

Abkhazia, located in the northwest of Georgia, was once regarded as a top vacation spot for the Soviet elite. It borders the Black Sea to the south-west, the Caucasus Mountains, and Russia to the north-east.

The region formally proclaimed independence in 1999 after engaging in and defeating a war of secession with Georgia in 1992–1993.

Following the 2008 Georgia-Russian war, Moscow acknowledged the region as an independent state. In response, Georgia proclaimed that Russia had "occupied" Abkhazia.

The economy of Abkhazia is heavily reliant on Russian tourism, and in recent years, it has drew nearer to Russia. Russia and the region signed a "strategic partnership" agreement in 2014, while Abkhazia signed a five-year agreement with Moscow in 2009 to formally take control of its borders with Georgia proper.

  • with capital letters. Sukhumi.
  • Area:. 8,665 sq km.
  • Population:. approximately 244,000.
  • Languages:. Russian plus Mingrelian, Svan, Armenian, and Ossetian in addition to Abkhaz.
  • Typical lifespan: Inaccessible data.

Aslan Bzhania is the president.

Aslan Bzhania

In the March 2020 presidential elections in Abkhazia, Aslan Bzhania won with about 59 percent of the vote.

In the capital, Sukhumi, opposition protesters and police fought in December 2021. The opposition charged that the government had mismanaged Abkhazia's energy network and failed to deal with Covid-19 in a timely manner.

The primary news sources are Russian TV and Abkhazian state TV. There are relays for important Russian stations there. Abaza TV, the region's only privately owned TV station, has a license to broadcast everywhere.

Only via satellite is there any access to Georgian TV, if any.

Newspapers in Russian and Abkhaz are published by the government of Abkhazia. Alongside official publications, a number of private publications exist.

Internet usage is expanding quickly.

Aerial view of Sukhumi, Abkhazia
Greek pioneers laid the groundwork for Sukhumi in the sixth century BC.

Dates that are significant in the history of Abkhazia include:

756 . - Creation of a separate kingdom.

985 . - Joins Georgia before regaining its independence.

1578 . -- Is ruled by Turkey.

1810 . - Russia formally recognizes Abkhazia as a protectorate.

1864 . - Russia takes control of Abkhazia.

1931 . - Georgia is incorporated by Soviet authorities into Abkhazia.

1991 . - After announcing its independence, Georgia dispatches troops to Abkhazia the following year to halt the secessionist movement.

1993 . Georgian forces are driven out of Abkhazia after fierce fighting. Prior to the war, nearly half of Abkhazia's inhabitants were Georgians; however, up to 250,000 Georgians and other people were driven from their homes, effectively halving the country's population.

1994 . After a cease-fire has been agreed upon, nearly all Russian peacekeepers arrive.

1999 . Abkhazia proclaims its independence.

2008 . - After the conflict between Russia and Georgia over South Ossetia, Russia formally recognizes Abkhazia's independence.

2014. - A "strategic partnership" pact is signed between Russia and Abkhazia. Georgia claims that Moscow is attempting to annex Abkhazia.

2020 . - Raul Khadzhimba is the second president to be ousted by mass demonstrations in the last six years.

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