The situation in Bakhmut is getting worse, according to Zelensky, who is speaking about the Ukraine conflict

Humanitarian aid center in Bakhmut, Ukraine, has people sitting inside

The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, has stated that the situation in the eastern frontline city of Bakhmut is getting "more and more difficult.".

Over six months have passed since Russian forces attempted to take the city.

Everything that can be used to defend our positions is constantly being destroyed by the enemy, according to Mr. Zelensky.

During a visit to Kyiv on Monday, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned China against arming Russia. This was at the same time as the Ukrainian leader's comments.

Bakhmut, in Ukraine's Donetsk region, which is partially controlled by Russia and its separatist allies, has seen some of the fiercest fighting since Russia invaded Ukraine just over a year ago.

Map showing which areas of East Ukraine are under Russian military control, limited Russian control, and territory held or regained by Ukraine.

Recently, Russian forces' efforts to take the industrial city have stepped up, and they are making progress.

Denis Pushilin, the separatist head of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic, claimed that "practically all roads" leading into the city were "under [Russian] fire control.".

In his nightly address, President Zelensky discussed the situation and stated that securing a foothold in Bakhmut and ensuring its defense were being seriously jeopardized by Russia's renewed assault.

He was "grateful to each and every person who is holding the area heroically.".

In order to defend "the entire territory of our country" from "Russian terror," President Zelensky also renewed his call for the dispatch of modern combat aircraft.

Janet Yellen made an unexpected trip to Kyiv on Monday, where she revealed the most recent transfer of $1.25 billion (£1 billion) in economic and budget aid to Ukraine.

Reiterating what US President Joe Biden said during his own trip to Kyiv last week, Ms. Yellen said that Washington would support Ukraine for as long as it took to win the war.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen (R) and US ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink look at destroyed Russian military vehicles displayed in an exhibition in Kyiv
Monday saw a surprise trip to Kiev by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen (R).

Speaking to CNN, Ms. Yellen added that while the severe sanctions put in place by Western nations against Russia had not yet caused the country's economy to collapse, she anticipated that it would over time.

Additionally, she said that China's decision to supply Russia with such weapons would have "severe" repercussions and that Russia's ability to replace military equipment lost in attacks on Ukraine was "gradually jeopardized.".

She said, "We have been very clear that we will not tolerate systematic violations by any country of the sanctions that we have put in place that are intended to deny Russia access to military hardware to wage this war.".

And we have made it very clear to the Chinese government, as well as to Chinese businesses and financial institutions, that there would be serious repercussions for breaking those sanctions. ".

China was reportedly considering giving Russia weapons and ammunition, according to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken last week. Beijing categorically refuted the assertion.

Many believed that a meeting between China's top diplomat, Wang Yi, and Russian President Vladimir Putin last week in Moscow was evidence of China's close ties to Russia.

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