Waste shipments from the derailment in Ohio should be contaminated

Train derailment site in East Palestine

Following a brief pause, toxic waste shipments from the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio are anticipated to resume.

In the incident on February 3, a total of 38 cars derailed, 11 of which were hauling dangerous goods.

The derailment site's solid and liquid waste is currently being transported to specialized facilities.

Officials stated over the weekend that the town's air quality is normal, in spite of ongoing concerns from residents.

Shipments of contaminated waste from the site were temporarily halted, according to a statement made by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on February 25.

According to Debra Shore, an EPA regional administrator, stopping the shipments would enable officials to "ensure that all waste is disposed of in a safe and legal manner" at authorized facilities. Waste had already been transported to facilities in Michigan and Texas.

The EPA will start shipping liquid waste to an underground injection well on Sunday, according to Ms. Shore, while solid waste will be sent to an incinerator. Ohio is home to both facilities.

According to her, "all of this is fantastic news for the people of East Palestine and the local community, as it means clean-up can proceed at a rapid pace.".

Additionally, Ms. Shore noted that tests and air monitoring had revealed that the quality of the air both inside and outside is typical.

The announcement was made two days after a town hall meeting where residents of East Palestine and environmental activist Erin Brockovich urged the government to give more explanations for why so many people are still complaining of being sick after the derailment.

According to Ms. Brockovich, who is a spokesperson for the BBC in the US, "they're worried because they have coughs and respiratory problems.". They know this isn't the end of this conversation, but there are a lot of unanswered questions. " .

Politicians from opposing political parties have traded accusations of fault regarding the derailment and the response that followed, turning it into a divisive issue in the US.

Republicans in the House of Representatives intend to open investigations into the derailment, according to US media outlets including Axios and CNN.

James Comer, a Kentucky Republican and the head of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, wrote to Pete Buttigieg, the secretary of transportation, last week to "provide transparency" regarding the incident. Mr. Buttigieg received the letter while visiting East Palestine to meet with locals and investigators.

Additionally, Mr. Comer charged that the Department of Transportation had a "lack of leadership" and was "trying to blame others.".

The Environment and Public Works committee in the Senate has announced plans to hold a hearing on the derailment. The exact date of the hearing is unknown.

US President Joe Biden has frequently been forced to defend his administration's handling of the matter due to growing public scrutiny of the response of the government to the derailment.

Last week, Mr. Biden declared, "I have spoken with every single major figure in both Pennsylvania and Ohio. "It's just not true that we aren't engaged.

. "

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