£400,000 in funding was given to Surrey Space Centre

new control room for SSTL

The University of Surrey has received funding from the UK Space Agency (UKSA) totaling £400,000 for its space scientists and engineers.

The money will help Surrey and Hampshire's local space industries, which have a combined income of over £3 billion.

This includes providing education, hiring specialists in the field, and setting up facilities to create and test space-related technology.

A major hub for space-related business in the UK is Surrey Space Centre.

The Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. (SSTL) was established by the center, which has its Guildford headquarters at the University of Surrey.

The local industry is "always hungry" for qualified space technicians and engineers, according to Keith Ryden, professor of space engineering and director of the center.

He continued by saying that the funding "can open the doors" to better facilities for businesses that would otherwise find it difficult to locate the specialized locations and knowledgeable personnel required to develop new products for the space sector.

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