According to experts, a seal's neck ring poses a risk


A seal with what is thought to be a plastic throwing ring around its neck is being assisted by marine wildlife teams.

The seal has been seen several times in Cornwall's St Ives Harbour.

There is a chance that the ring could cause an infection and injury, according to British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR), who spoke with BBC Radio Cornwall.

Anyone who sees the seal is asked to contact the organization and report their sighting.

St Ives harbour

In St Ives Harbour, the seal has been seen several times.

The seal was spotted near the beach at St Ives Harbour, according to Dan Jarvis of BDMLR.

According to him, the ring would eventually "wear its way through the skin and cause an injury that could be open to infection and that could cause debilitation to her as well.".

It's pretty firmly around her neck, based on the images I've seen this morning, he said.

He stated that the "best outcome" would be for BDMLR to assist her if there was "an opportunity".

He added that the ring would negatively impact the seal's ability to dive.

He explained that because they are such curious creatures, they frequently become entangled in various pieces of floating debris.

"This year, we've received quite a few calls about entangled animals.

"I believe that we have dealt with about a dozen or so, and that's just in Cornwall. Of course, nationally, there will be many more cases than that.

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