Off a fisherman's boat in Dorset, thousands of jellyfish were spotted


Thousands of jellyfish have been photographed off the coast of Dorset by a fisherman.

The jellyfish, also referred to as a "smack" or "fluther," were spotted by Chris Hinton off the coast of Charmouth.

He remarked that the fluther covered an area roughly the size of a football field.

As a result of unusually high sea surface temperatures, according to senior BBC meteorologist David Braine, jellyfish populations are surging.

Off the coast of Dorset, close to Charmouth, jellyfish were spotted.

According to him, jellyfish populations are on the rise as a result of increased plankton populations brought on by increased sunlight and temperature.

"Climate change, overfishing, and the run-off of agricultural fertilizers have all been implicated in the rise in the jellyfish population.

The ideal conditions for blooms have been created by the increase in sea temperature and the eradication of predators like sharks and tuna. ".

Although they have a mild sting and are frequently found in UK waters, moon jellyfish are not thought to be dangerous.

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