Unveiling of plans for a 91-acre solar farm

En solfarm

There are plans to reportedly build a solar farm in Worcestershire that will power 10,000 homes.

The Tyler Hill Renewables plan would enclose 91 acres of farmland close to Stoulton.

Three meters above the ground, the solar panels would allow sheep to continue grazing.

According to Tyler Hill Renewables, the Wychavon District Council was presented with a 40-year plan.

The company stated that after the operational phase is over, site cleanup will be easy and all equipment will be taken away, leaving no lingering effects or pollution.

The three-mile-distance solar farm near Cotheridge, which was authorized in 2015, is the one closest to the designated site.

Malvern Hills District Council rejected a proposal in January to construct a 50-acre solar farm close by.

The plan has received more than 180 messages of support in addition to nearly 300 objections.

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