Avoid using ChatGPT for assignments, according to universities


Students are being warned by universities that using artificial intelligence (AI) to write essays could result in sanctions.

University of the West of England (UWE) Vice Chancellor Steve West advised, "Don't take the chance.".

It follows an experiment by a former University of Bristol student who used the ChatGPT bot to obtain a 2:2 on one of his previous essay questions.

"I completed the task in two weeks and received a 65 percent.". Pieter Snepvangers said, "ChatGPT was 12 marks off; that's scary.

Using data from the internet, ChatGPT, which responds to users in a conversational manner, offers answers to inquiries that seem believable to come from a human.

One of Mr. Snepvangers' former professors, who was fully aware that it had been generated using artificial intelligence, gave the essay he had written a grade of 53 percent.

After posing ten questions to the bot, the student received a 3,500-word essay, which he then spent ten minutes formatting for the experiment.

In-text referencing was not produced by ChatGPT, but Mr. Snepvangers claimed that if it had been, he would have received a high 2:2 or 2:1.

Although the English was convincing, he claimed that it frequently avoided directly addressing the question.

"Can you picture the software for students starting college now by their third year?

Universities must become more proactive and find a way to modify their exams, according to Mr. Snepvangers.

In addition, his lecturer stated that "from an AI perspective, four out of 33 essays submitted for one module this year looked fishy. " .

A spokesperson for the University of Bristol stated: "Unauthorized use of ChatGPT, like that of other chatbots or artificial intelligence software, would be regarded as cheating under our assessment regulations. ".

UWE Vice Chancellor Steve West
The technology "can't be put back in the bottle," according to Steve West, vice chancellor of UWE.

Since its December launch, ChatGPT has gained enormous popularity.

It has been trained on a lot of data, allowing it to predict how to string words together.

Because it generates an entirely new response to each question, it can be challenging to spot using conventional anti-plagiarism software.

Vice Chancellor of the University of the West of England, Steve West, admitted he had experimented with the software and had warned students that using AI to generate essays would be an "assessment offence.".

"I'm a foot surgeon by training, so I asked a question about a difficult surgical procedure, and it responded with an answer.

"I would never perform that surgery using that response, no question.

"We can't put technology back in the bottle, but we need to be aware of its limitations.

But academic staff members are smart, and they will recognize its abuse. You students are smarter than that; you don't need to do that, he told them.


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